


    Fouad Helou

    Osteopath D.O

    I'm an osteopath based in Beirut for most of the year and I spend the summer seasons working in Spain and the south-west of France.

    I started my studies in Montreal where I graduated in Anatomy and Neuroscience from McGill University in 2015. I then studied Nutrition for a year before going to Paris to become an Osteopath at ESO Paris. Lastly, I started working in Paris in 2021 where I opened my own practice in the 15th arrondissement, in which I received all types of patients, such as sedentary patients, children, pregnant women, professional athletes as well as more senior patients.

    During my studies I also went to India in 2017 to become a yoga teacher, and since then I've been combining osteopathy with yoga, and movement optimisation to provide the best of care.

    I have been working as an Osteopath and yoga teacher in the surfing industry for the last 5 years now. Treating professional and semi-professional athletes, I decided to delve deeper in the universe of sports and specialised in "Sports Osteopathy and Posturology", graduating from ILEPS, CY University in 2022.

    I speak French, English, Spanish and Arabic fluently.

  • Treatments

    Osteopathy is a manual therapy in which the osteopath analyses the restrictions of the body in order to bring back movement to it.

    What is Osteopathy?

    Osteopathy is a manual therapy in which an osteopath analyses the movement and lack of movement in the body to understand the sources of tensions and restrictions. The osteopath works to release those tensions restoring movement to the body through various techniques. This enables the body to function at it's best, through improved biomechanics including better vascularization, innervation, and cellular exchange.

    The osteopath brings back movement to body, relieving back & neck pain, tendinitis, headaches; recovering from traumas, surgeries.

    Musculoskeletal Dysfunctions

    Osteopathy helps to prevent and relieve back pain, neck pain, tension headaches, migraines, TMJ disorders, shoulder impingement, thoracic outlet syndrome, neuralgia, sciatica, tendinitis, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, runner's knee and others. It will help the patient recover faster after surgeries and traumatic injuries such as whiplash, sprains, or fractures. It can also help alleviate or slow down the progression of degenerative disease such as, arthritis and herniated discs.

    The osteopath brings back movement to body, leading to an increase in sports performances and decreasing the rate of sports injuries.

    Sports and Performance

    Athletes and sports enthusiasts put their bodies through a great deal of mechanical stress. If the body lacks motion, it will hinder the performance of the athlete and will inevitably lead to injury. Osteopathy enhances the biomechanics of the body, leading to improved function, allowing it to perform at it's best. Osteopathy can also help prevent or decrease the rate of injuries allowing for more time to train and more confidence to perform at a high level.

    The osteopath brings back movement to body, enabling it to adapt the changes brought by pregnancy, relieving symptoms like back pain …

    Pregnancy - Labor - Postpartum

    A nine months pregnancy followed by childbirth bring tremendous changes and challenges to the body. When suffering from a lack of motion, the body is not able to adapt to these changes leading to discomfort such as lower back pain, sciatica, pubic pain, shortness of breath, and acid reflux. Osteopathy helps to prevent and alleviate those symptoms by allowing the body to adapt to the changes brought by pregnancy, it'll enable a more functional labor, and a smoother return to it's pre-pregnancy state during postpartum.


    Contact Me

    Fouad Helou Osteopath D.O
    Achrafieh, Beirut